Nine Real-Life Situations That Reveal the Worst in a Person

We often forget that everyone has both good and bad sides to them.

When you’ve known someone for years, whether as a family member, friend, or colleague, it’s easy to think they will always do the right thing in all situations.

So, you may not notice the subtle behaviors they exhibit in certain situations until you are taken by surprise.

The truth is, over time, situations can reveals the very worst in a person that might otherwise be concealed.

Here are nine real-life scenarios that can help you learn the worst in someone.

How They Respond to Criticism

If you want to see the not-so-nice side of a person, just watch how they act when they’re criticized.

How they react will tell you a lot about them, like how they handle disagreement or when things don’t go their way.

Criticism upsets people, making them feel like they’re not good enough and wanting to defend themselves.

But handling it well requires emotional intelligence.

You need to recognize and understand these feelings, control your reaction, and respond in a constructive way.

Don’t get carried away by how a person behaves when they’re being praised or complimented.

Criticism is crucial, as Winston Churchill said:

“Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.”

If they gets defensive, angry, starts arguing, and blaming others, that’s a clear indication they do not have the emotional maturity to manage criticism and learn from it.

How They Deal With Stress

Stress can really mess with our heads and emotions, making it tough to think straight, make decisions, and connect with others like we normally would.

Some people handle it calmly and with maturity, but others use it as an excuse to unleash their bad behavior on others—getting angry, yelling, lying, and even blaming others for their own problems.

Just because someone is stressed doesn’t mean the life of everyone around them should turn into a living hell.

Stress is a part of life. It’s something we all face every day. How someone deals with it can give you a big clue about how to get along with them.

If someone gets aggressive, mean, or cranky when they’re stressed, whether they’re your classmate, coworker, or family member, it’s not fair to others who might be dealing with their own issues. It shows a lack of consideration for their feelings.

“It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.”

— Epictetus

How They Handle Inconvenience

How a person deals with every day inconveniences can reveal the very worst in them.

Inconveniences are those things or situations people find annoying and bothersome, like waiting in a long queue, dealing with a broken phone charger, leaving the office key at home, or being stuck in traffic.

These situations reveals how a person handles frustration.

If they react with rudely and in anger and impatience, then they lack patience, tolerance, and empathy.

Research even shows that people who react aggressively to minor inconveniences struggle to control their emotions and manage stress.

Pay attention to how people deal with inconveniences. It give you an idea into their character and help you decide how to interact with them.

What They Do with Temptation

Facing temptation means being in situations where you want to do something you know you should not.

For example, you are on a diet and tempted by a piece of cake. Or you are studying for a big exam, but your friends invite you to a party.

These situations test your self-control and ability to stick to your goals.

In most cases, facing temptations involve moral or ethical decisions, such as the opportunity to cheat, steal, or lie.

Regardless, how a person handles these situations can reveal a lot about the part of them that is not so nice.

Do they choose integrity, honesty, and accountability or succumb to unethical behavior?

Do they exercise self-control or get overwhelmed by the pull of instant pleasure?

If someone gives in to temptation easily, they lack self-discipline and have no respect for the values and principles they claim to espouse.

When people have no respect for values and ideals, they have no guiding compass for their actions.

They will do anything to get what they want, even if it hurts others or put them at a disadvantage.

How They Respond to Rejections

The average person want to avoid rejection if they can.

Nobody want to be told they don’t measure up or are not good enough, whether it’s from an interviewer or a date.

But rejections are inevitable in life and how people respond to them can be vastly different.

Rejection triggers strong emotions that can cause a person to behave in very unusual and strange ways.

Observe how a person’s attitude and energy change toward you when you say “no” to them or someone else turns them down for something.

Do they become bitter, defensive, and vengeful?

Do they show understanding and respect your or the other person’s decision?

If someone acts in a negative way, it might suggest a sense of entitlement, even when no one owes them anything.

Helping Those in Need

One of the dark sides most people have is they do not give help if it doesn’t benefit them.

For them, every interaction is a transaction where they’re looking out for something to be gained.

If you want to know who a person is and how they will likely react when you need help, pay attention to how treat others in need, specially in cases where they’re unlikely to get anything in return.

Good people find joy in being of help to those in difficult situation or are less fortunate. It’s how they express humanity, empathy and compassion.

This is why the willingness to help others can be a useful indicator of person’s moral compass, degree of empathy, and compassion.

If someone finds it convenient to render help only when it benefits them, they’re not the type of people you should count on when you’re in a bad situation.

What They Do When They Have Money or Don’t Have Money

There are two sides to how money reveal the worst in a person: when they have lots of it or have little to none.

When a person has money, they might start to show off, become selfish, and look down on others who have less.

They spend a lot on fancy things just to impress people or act as if they are better or superior to others because they have more.

On the other hand, when some people are broke, they might cheat, steal, or mooch off others. They may become aggressive, angry, and constantly take out their frustration on those around them.

In both cases, it’s not the money or the lack of it that made them behave this way. They are only acting out inherent traits that have been amplified by money or the lack of it.

Pay attention to how someone acts because of money. Whether they’re rich or poor, their behavior reflects who they truly are deep down.

If they place money above things like their honesty, integrity, and empathy, they are likely to do whatever it takes to get it, even if it means hurting others or breaking the rules.

“The lack of money is the root of all evil.”

— Mark Twain

What They Do With Power

It’s often said that the truest test of a person’s character is what they do with power.

Some people may appear humble, easy-going, and unassuming until they are in a position where they have to wield some sort of power over others.

Then they become bossy, arrogant, domineering, taking those who thought they were nice, calm, and gentle by surprise.

If they happen to lead a team or be in charge of an organisation, they will disrespect others, give preferential treatment to some people, mistreat others, and use their power to hurt or bully those who can’t fight back.

If someone doesn’t know how to manage power, it is guaranteed that the very worst of their nature will surely come to the surface.

Observe how a person acts when they have little power, it will give you an idea whether they will be a fair and kind leader or someone who abuses their position.

Good people don’t become a thorn in the flesh because of their status. They use their power to help others and make fair decisions.

They remain humble, treat everyone with respect, and use their influence to make positive changes.

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”

— Abraham Lincoln

How They Behave Toward Their Own and Others’ Success or Failure

Nothing reveals a person’s truest or worst nature more than how they manage success or failure, both their own and others’.

When some people succeeds, they become arrogant and mean. They talk to others any how and think they are better because they did well.

When they fail, they get angry and lazy. They blame others, take out their frustration on those around them, and act like the world is against them.

How someone responds to their own success shows their narcissistic tendencies, while failure brings out their hostility and aggression.

However, more telling than how a person reacts to their own success or misfortune is how they behave when it comes to others’ success or failure.

When you tell someone you got a promotion, bought a new house, or finished your Ph.D, observe their subtle nonverbal behaviors.

Do they seem happy, envious or indifferent? How does their facial expressions change? What about their body language? Does their tone sound dismissive?

Do they try to find faults or talk down on your achievement?

Do they feel you outshined them?

Do they believe you were lucky and life was just fair, even though you worked your a$$ off?

Pay attention because their actions can reveal deep-seated insecurity.

Someone who feels insecure is likely to be intimidated by your progress and may look for a way to undermine you.

Also pay attention when someone learns about your mistakes and failure.

Do they gloat or mock you?

If someone behave in a way that suggest they take pleasure in your misfortune, they are unkind and inconsiderate.

Real friends care about your success and are not intimidated by it. They feel secure because they know that your success doesn’t make them any less.

They also share in your pains and sadness when your efforts don’t pay off.

Watch how someone treats you when they’re succeeding and how they act when you’re the one achieving something. This will show you where they truly stand and help you decide their place in your life.

Final Thought

Humans are complex creatures, with good and not-so-good parts.

The ability to guage and correctly read people’s nature and behavior patterns in different situations is a critical skill.

It can change how you interact and relate with others.

When you know how someone acts or respond in certain situations, you can decide whether you can tolerate, accommodate, or avoid them completely.

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